Modelling, Analysis and Optimization of Complex Systems
- Research Group at University of Rostock
- Wolfram Just
- Niklas Kruse (PhD student)
- Torben Settmacher (PhD Student)
- Jens Starke
- Hector Vargas (Guest PhD Student from Naples, Italy)
- Hannes Wallner (PhD Student)
- Christoph Werner-Schmolling (PhD Student jointly with
Rüdiger Köhling, Universitätsmedizin Rostock)
- Guests (at University of Rostock, since 10/2016)
- Konstantinos Spiliotis (Demokritus University of Thrace,
Greece), 12.-18.1.2025
- Anton Evgrafov (Aalborg University, Denmark), 20.-21.11.2024
- Ulrike Feudel (University of Oldenburg, Germany), 21.10.2024
- Melina Freitag (University of Potsdam, Germany), 10.4.2024
- Rainer Klages (Queen Mary University of London, UK), 18.-19.12.2023
- Isabelle Schneider (FU Berlin, Germany), 14.-15.12.2023
- Rainer Klages (Queen Mary University of London, UK), 25.10.2023
- Alethea Barbaro (Delft University of Technology, The
Netherlands), 3.-6.7.2023
- Julia Slipantschuk (University of Warwick, UK), 19.-28.7.2023
- Oscar Bandtlow (Queen Mary University of London, UK), 17.-28.7.2023
- Viktor Avrutin (University of Stuttgart, Germany), 16.-17.11.2022
- Jan Sieber (University of Exeter, UK), 19.-20.12.2021
- Wilhelm Stannat (TU Berlin, Germany), 17.11.2021
- Wolfram Just (Queen Mary University of London, UK), 2.-14.8.2020
- Anton Evgrafov (Technical University of Denmark), 22.-23.10.2019
- Markus Reiß (HU Berlin, Germany), 16.10.2019
- Invited Speakers at Dynamics Days Europe, Rostock, Germany,
2.-6.9.2019 :
Andreas Daffertshofer (VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands),
Just Herder (TU Delft, The Netherlands),
Poul Hjorth (DTU, Denmark),
Wolfram Just (Queen Mary University of London, UK),
Jeroen Lamb (Imperial, London, UK),
Hinke Osinga (U Auckland, New Zealand),
Arnd Scheel (U Minnesota, USA),
Constantinos Siettos (U Naples Federico II, Italy),
Peter Szmolyan (TU Vienna, Austria),
Sebastian Wieczorek (University College Cork, Ireland)
- Peter Kloeden (University of Tübingen, Germany), 9.-11.7.2019
- Michael Dellnitz (University of Paderborn, Germany), 10.-11.4.2019
- Wolfram Just (Queen Mary University of London, UK), 8.-12.4.2019
- John Hogan (University of Bristol, UK), 18.-21.3.2019
- Poul Hjorth (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),
- Christof Büskens (University of Bremen, Germany), 11.-12.12.2018
- Martin Andrade Restrepo (Institute Jacques Monod, Paris,
France), 04.12.-13.12.2018
- Lecturers of Bachelor Summer School "Mathematical Modelling,
Nonlinear Dynamics, Stochastic and Complex Systems",
Anna Dittus (University of Rostock, Germany),
Kurt Frischmuth (University of Rostock, Germany),
Thomas Lorenz (University of Applied Sciences Rhein-Main,
Alexander Meister (University of Rostock, Germany),
Jan Kloppenborg Møller (Technical University of Denmark,
Klaus Neymeyr (University of Rostock, Germany),
Ilias Panagiotopoulos (University of Rostock, Germany),
Jens Starke (University of Rostock, Germany),
Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen (Technical University of Denmark,
- Thomas Lorenz (University of Applied Sciences Rhein-Main,
Germany), 18.-29.8.2018
- Wolfram Just (Queen Mary University of London, UK), 1.-4.5.2018
- Martin Andrade Restrepo (Institute Jacques Monod, Paris, France), 13.-26.04.2018
- Martin Andrade Restrepo (Institute Jacques Monod, Paris, France), 21.02.-07.03.2018
- Dimitri Boiroux (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark), 12.-14.12.2017
- Martin Andrade Restrepo (Institute Jacques Monod, Paris, France), 28.11.-14.12.2017
- Kathrin Padberg-Gehle (Leuphana University Lüneburg,
Germany), 8.11.2017
- Martin Andrade Restrepo (Institute Jacques Monod, Paris, France), 14.-21.10.2017
- Lecturers of Bachelor Summer School "Mathematical Modelling,
Nonlinear Dynamics, Stochastic and Complex Systems",
Kurt Frischmuth (University of Rostock, Germany),
Poul Hjorth (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),
Alexander Meister (University of Rostock, Germany),
Jan Kloppenborg Møller (Technical University of Denmark,
Klaus Neymeyr (University of Rostock, Germany),
Jan Sieber (University of Exeter, UK),
Mads Peter Sørensen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),
Jens Starke (University of Rostock, Germany),
Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen (Technical University of Denmark,
- Jan Sieber (University of Exeter, UK), 16.12.2016
- Poul Hjorth (University of Denmark, Denmark), 29.-30.11.2016
- Guests (at QMUL, 9/2015 - 9/2016)
- Jan Sieber (University of Exeter, UK), 5.-6.7.2016
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 4.-18.5.2016
- Geraldo Reboucas (Technical University of Denmark), 9.11.-11.12.2015
- Guests (at DTU, 1/2010 - 8/2015):
- Michael Dellnitz (University of Paderborn, Germany), 17.-19.8.2015
- Daniele Avitabile (University of Nottingham, UK), 14.-19.6.2015
- Claudia Wulff (University of Surrey, UK), 8.-12.6.2015
- Jan Sieber (University of Exeter, UK), 31.6.-10.7.2015
- Takahiro Shiga (Toyota CRDL, Japan), 3.3.2015
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 1.2.-31.3.2015
- Ilias Panagiotopoulos (University of Patras, Greece), 14.-17.11.2014
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 5.11.-5.12.2014
- Dwight Barkley (University of Warwick, UK), 23.-24.10.2014
- Yuki Sugiyama (Nagoya University, Japan), 21.-24.10.2014
- Thomas Lorenz (University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden, Germany), 14.-26.08.2014
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 1.3.-31.5.2014
- Takahiro Shiga (Toyota CRDL, Japan), 17.3.2014
- Gaetan Kerschen (University of Liege, Belgium), 20.2.-21.2.2014
- Jan Sieber (University of Exeter, UK), 19.2.-21.2.2014
- Lecturers of PhD winter school "Multi-scale Analysis in Dynamical Systems", 9.-13.12.2013:
Antonios Zagaris (University of Twente, The Netherlands),
Peter Szmolyan (TU Vienna, Austria),
Jan Sieber (University of Exeter, UK)
- Takahiro Shiga (Toyota CRDL, Japan), 7.-10.10.2013
- David Barton (University of Bristol, UK), 16.-20.9.2013
- Thomas Lorenz (University of Frankfurt, Germany), 16.-23.8.2013
- Leo van Hemmen (TU Munich, Germany), 5.-9.8.2013
- Atsushi Kawamoto (Toyota CRDL, Japan), 2.-13.8.2013
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 1.5.-30.6.2013
- Philip Hövel (TU Berlin, Germany), 31.5.2013
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 1.-30.11.2012
- Jan Sieber (University of Exeter, UK), 28.10.-3.11.2012
- Rainer Berkemer (AKAD University of Applied Science, Germany), 1.-8.10.2012
- Jörg Strotmann (University of Hohenheim, Germany), 19.-23.8.2012
- Thomas Lorenz (University of Frankfurt, Germany), 10.-16.8.2012
- Wolfram Just (Queen Mary University of London, UK), 8.-10.8.2012
- Armin Iske (University of Hamburg, Germany), 4.-7.6.2012
- Giovanni Samaey (University of Leuven, Belgium), 29.-31.5.2012
- Danielle Hilhorst (CNRS and Universite Paris-Sud, France), 22.-24.5.2012
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 6.-16.5.2012
- Armin Seyfried (Research Centre Juelich, Germany), 21.-22.3.2012
- Wolfram Just (Queen Mary University of London, UK), 23.-24.2.2012
- Jürgen Vollmer (MPI Göttingen, Germany), 30.11.-1.12.2011
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 13.-17.11.2011
- Jan Sieber (University of Portsmouth, UK), 15.-20.8.2011
- Atsushi Kawamoto (Toyota CRDL, Japan), 6.-17.8.2011
- Ingenuin Gasser (University of Hamburg, Germany), 10.-11.8.2011
- Rainer Berkemer (AKAD University of Applied Science, Germany), 4.-11.8.2011
- Marcus Hauser (University of Magdeburg, Germany), 26.-28.6.2011
- Lecturers of PhD Summerschool "Advanced Topics in Numerical
and Computational Bifurcation Analysis", 9.-11.6.2011:
Eusebius Doedel (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada),
Claudia Wulff (University of Surrey, Guildford, UK),
Harry Dankowicz (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
- Predrag Cvitanovic (Georgia Tech, USA), 8.6.2011
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 17.5.-17.6.2011
- Rainer Berkemer (AKAD University of Applied Science, Germany), 9.-20.5.2011
- Viktor Avrutin (University of Stuttgart, Germany), 1.-13.5.2011
- Thomas Lorenz (University of Frankfurt, Germany), 27.4.-1.5.2011
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 10.2.-8.3.2011
- Bernd Krauskopf (University of Bristol, UK), 10.-14.12.2010
- Speakers of "BrainModes 2010", 9.-11.12.2010:
Hans Crauel (University of Frankfurt, Germany),
Andreas Daffertshofer (VU University, Netherlands),
Markus Dahlem (TU Berlin, Germany),
Alain Destexhe (CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France),
Ole Jensen (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands),
Viktor Jirsa (CNRS, Marseille, France),
Bernd Krauskopf (University of Bristol, UK),
Jens Midtgaard (University of Copenhagen, Denmark),
Rosalyn Moran (Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging London, UK),
Hinke Osinga (University of Bristol, UK),
Petra Ritter (Charite Berlin and Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Germany),
Leo van Hemmen (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
- Hiroshi Matano (University of Tokyo, Japan), 10.-14.9.2010
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 1.-15.9.2010
- Isamu Ohnishi (University of Hiroshima, Japan), 28.-29.5.2010
- Yuri Gaididei (Kiev, Ukraine), 25.5.-25.6.2010
- Jan Sieber (University of Portsmouth, UK), 28.1.-2.2.2010
- Christian Reichert (Institut Nationale des Sciences
Appliquees (INSA) at Lyon, France), 5.-9.1.2010
- Markus Eiswirth (Fritz Haber Institut, Berlin, Germany), 5.-9.1.2010
- Former Postdocs:
- Konstantinos Spiliotis (5/2019-3/2024, Postdoc, University of Rostock,
financed by CRC 1270 ELAINE)
(now at Demokritus University of Thrace, Greece)
- Sofia Piltz (12/2014 - 9/2016, Postdoc at DTU jointly with DTU Aqua, financed
by Hans Christian Ørsted Scholarship)
Frank Schilder
(10/2009 - 6/2016, Postdoc at DTU, financed among others by Danish
Research Council FTP and Knud Højgaard
Peder Bacher (4/2015 - 10/2015, Assistant Professor, together with Henrik Madsen,
financed by Toyota MC)
- Christian Marschler (8/2014 - 8/2015,
financed by Frederik Leth Christiansens Almennyttige
Fond and Toyota MC)
- Pierre-Julien Trombe (11/2014 - 3/2015, Postdoc together with Henrik Madsen,
financed by Toyota MC)
- Kristian Kristiansen (3/2012 - 2/2013, financed
by Hans Christian Ørsted Scholarship, together with Morten
(now at DTU, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science)
- Rainer Berkemer (10/2006 - 9/2009 at DTU, financed by Toyota CRDL)
(now at AKAD Hochschule Stuttgart)
- Christian Reichert, (2/2006 - 8/2007 at University of Heidelberg, financed by Heidelberg Academy of Science)
(now at Institut Nationale des Sciences Appliquees (INSA) at Lyon, France)
- Jürgen Reidl (9/2002 - 6/2005 at University of Heidelberg, financed by Heidelberg Academy of Science)
(now at SAP)
- Former PhD Students:
- Ilias Panagiotopoulos (PhD 2025, University of Rostock)
- Anna Dittus (PhD 2023, University of Rostock)
- Irene Heilmann (PhD 2017 at DTU, co-supervision jointly with Mads
Peter Sørensen, Uffe Thygesen, Ken Andersen,
financed by VKR Centre of Excellence)
- Christian Marschler
(PhD 2014, financed by a DTU scholarship)
- Emil Bureau (PhD 2014, DTU co-supervised together with Ilmar
Santos and Jon Juel Thomsen, DTU Mechanical Engineering,
financed by Danish Research Council FTP)
- Michael Elmegaard (PhD 2014, financed by a DTU
- Jan Rübel (PhD 2009 from University of Heidelberg, together with W. Jäger, financed by Toyota CRDL)
- Carmen Ellsässer (PhD 2008 from University of Heidelberg,
together with W. Jäger, financed by a DFG graduate college scholarship)
- Christian Reichert, (PhD 2006 from University of Heidelberg,
together with W. Jäger, financed by a DFG graduate college scholarship)
- Frank Strauß, (PhD 2005 from University of Heidelberg, together with W. Jäger, financed by Toyota CRDL)
- Former Master Students:
- Torben Settmacher (Master 2025, University of Rostock,
supervised jointly with Constantinos Siettos, Naples, Italy)
- Hannes Wallner (Master Student, joint supervision with Sylvia
Speller, Institute of Physics)
- Nadine Fischer (Master 2022, University of Rostock)
- Richard Korwand (Master 2021, University of Rostock)
- Sandra Chemnitz (Master 2015, DTU, together with Poul Hjorth)
- Alexandra Rohde Freltoft
(Master 2015, DTU, together with Poul Hjorth)
- Lizette Petersen
(Master 2012, DTU, together with Poul Hjorth)
- Mads Søndergård
(Master 2012, DTU, together with Mads Peter Sørensen)
- Jozef Habdank (Master 2011, DTU, together with Frank Schilder)
- Michael Elmegaard (Master 2009, DTU)
- Kristian Nielsen (Master 2008, DTU)
- Noemi Hummel (Master 2007, University of Heidelberg, together with W. Jäger)
- Stefan Knauf (Master 2006, University of Heidelberg, together with W. Jäger)
- Rike Betten (Master 2004, University of Heidelberg, together with W. Jäger)
- Jan Rübel (Master 2000, University of Heidelberg, together with W. Jäger)
- Christian Reichert (Master 2000, University of Heidelberg,
together with W. Jäger)
- Former Bachelor Students:
- Marc-Philipp Beller (Bachelor 2023, University of Rostock)
- Torben Settmacher (Bachelor 2022, University of Rostock)
- Niklas Kruse (Bachelor 2020, University of Rostock)
- Charlotte Wahrendorf (Bachelor 2017, University of Rostock)
- Asger Sørensen (Bachelor 2014, DTU, together with Poul Hjorth)
- Kristian Berg Thomsen (Bachelor 2013, DTU, together with Poul Hjorth)
- Rasmus Bonnevie
(Bachelor 2012, DTU, together with Poul Hjorth)
- Alexandra Rohde O'Sullivan Freltoft
(Bachelor 2011, DTU, together with Poul Hjorth)
- Lizette Peterson (Bachelor 2009, DTU)
- Olivier Corradi (Bachelor 2009, DTU, together with Poul Hjorth)
Jens Starke - last modified
March 4, 2025