Participants of Summerschool 8/2010:
Mathematical Modelling, Nonlinear Dynamics, Stochastic and Complex Systems
Spring 2025:
- Numerical Mathematics and Numerical Linear Algebra in
Data Science (6 ECTS)
University of Rostock
- Dynamical Systems
Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (6 ECTS)
University of Rostock
- Seminar Analysis/Numerische Mathematik (3 ECTS)
und Forschungskolloquium "Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und Dynamische Systeme"
together with W. Just, University of Rostock
- Fall 2024:
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
CAS (Computer Oriented Mathematics,
Algorithms and Structures)
(Lecture and Practical Training)
University of Rostock
- Forschungskolloquium Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
together with W. Just, University of Rostock
- Spring 2024:
- Sabbatical
- Forschungskolloquium Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
together with W. Just, University of Rostock
- Fall 2023:
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
CAS (Computer Oriented Mathematics,
Algorithms and Structures)
University of Rostock
- Dynamical Systems
Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (6 ECTS)
University of Rostock
- Spring 2023:
- Numerical Mathematics and Numerical Linear Algebra in
Data Science (6 ECTS)
University of Rostock
- Bachelor/Master Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematische Modellierung mit Differentialgleichungen
University of Rostock
- Forschungskolloquium Numerische Mathematik - Wissenschaftliches Rechnen
together with W. Just, University of Rostock
- Fall 2022:
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
CAS (Computer Oriented Mathematics,
Algorithms and Structures)
University of Rostock
- Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (3 ECTS)
Numerical Bifurcation Analysis with Applications in
Engineering and Science
University of Rostock
- Seminar Analysis/Numerische Mathematik (3 ECTS)
"Mathematische Neurowissenschaften"
University of Rostock
- Spring 2022:
- Numerical Mathematics and Numerical Linear Algebra in
Data Science (6 ECTS)
University of Rostock
- Seminar Analysis/Numerische Mathematik (3 ECTS)
"Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und Dynamische Systeme"
University of Rostock
- Fall 2021:
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
CAS (Computer Oriented Mathematics,
Algorithms and Structures)
University of Rostock
- Course for teacher students (3 ECTS)
CAS (Computer Algebra Systems)
University of Rostock
- Master Course (6 ECTS)
Data Driven Analysis of Dynamical Systems
University of Rostock
- Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (6 ECTS)
Dynamical Systems
University of Rostock
- Spring 2021:
- Bachelor/Master Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematische Modellierung mit Differentialgleichungen
University of Rostock
- Numerical Mathematics and Numerical Linear Algebra in
Data Science (6 ECTS)
University of Rostock
- Fall 2020:
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
CAS (Computer Oriented Mathematics,
Algorithms and Structures)
University of Rostock
- Summer 2020:
- Lecture Data collection for bifurcation analysis of
laboratory experiments (cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Summerschool: Mathematics of Data Science and Digitisation (3
(Cancelled because of CORONA pandemic)
Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies
Organizers: P. Wagner and K. Sperfeld
Konrad Engel (University of Rostock, Germany),
Lukas Kölsch (University of Rostock, Germany),
Holger kösters (University of Rostock, Germany),
Gohar Kyureghyan (University of Rostock, Germany),
Alexander Meister (University of Rostock),
Klaus Neymeyr (University of Rostock, Germany),
Konrad Sperfeld (University of Rostock, Germany),
Jens Starke (University of Rostock, Germany),
Tobias Strauss (PLANET artifical intelligence GmbH Rostock, Germany),
Time and Place:
14.-18.9.2020, University of Rostock
Details on
Homepage of Summerschool
- Spring 2020:
- Bachelor/Master Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematische Modellierung mit Differentialgleichungen
University of Rostock
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
Numerik für Ingenieure
University of Rostock
- Seminar Analysis/Numerische Mathematik (3 ECTS)
"Wissenschaftliches Rechnen und Dynamische Systeme"
University of Rostock
- Fall 2019:
- Bachelor Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematics 3 for Engineers
University of Rostock
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
CAS (Computer Oriented Mathematics,
Algorithms and Structures)
University of Rostock
- Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (6 ECTS)
Dynamical Systems
University of Rostock
- Spring 2019:
- Bachelor Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematics 3 for Engineers
University of Rostock
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
Numerik für Ingenieure
University of Rostock
- Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (3 ECTS)
Numerical Bifurcation Analysis with Applications in
Engineering and Science
University of Rostock
- Fall 2018:
- Bachelor Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematik 1 für Ingenieure
University of Rostock
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
CAS (Computer Oriented Mathematics,
Algorithms and Structures)
University of Rostock
- Bachelor Course (9 ECTS)
Numerics 3 (Numerik gewöhnlicher Differenzialgleichungen)
University of Rostock
- Summer 2018:
- Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (3+2 ECTS)
Summerschool Complex Systems
Organizer: J. Starke
Anna Dittus (University of Rostock, Germany),
Kurt Frischmuth (University of Rostock, Germany),
Thomas Lorenz (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences,
Wiesbaden Rüsselsheim, Germany),
Alexander Meister (University of Rostock),
Jan Kloppenborg Møller (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),
Klaus Neymeyr (University of Rostock, Germany),
Ilias Panagiotopoulos (University of Rostock, Germany),
Jens Starke (University of Rostock, Germany),
Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),
Time and Place:
19.-25.8.2018, University of Rostock
Details on
Homepage of Complex Systems Summerschool
- Spring 2018:
- Bachelor/Master Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematische Modellierung mit Differentialgleichungen
University of Rostock
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
Numerik für Ingenieure
University of Rostock
- Fall 2017:
- Bachelor Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematics 3 for Engineers
University of Rostock
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
CAS (Computer Oriented Mathematics,
Algorithms and Structures)
University of Rostock
- Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (6 ECTS)
Dynamical Systems
University of Rostock
- Summer 2017:
- Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (3+2 ECTS)
Summerschool Complex Systems
Organizer: J. Starke
Kurt Frischmuth (University of Rostock, Germany),
Poul Hjorth (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),
Alexander Meister (University of Rostock),
Jan Kloppenborg Møller (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),
Jan Sieber (University of Exeter),
Klaus Neymeyr (University of Rostock, Germany),
Mads Peter Sørensen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),
Jens Starke (University of Rostock, Germany),
Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark),
Time and Place:
27.8.-2.9.2017, University of Rostock
Details on flyer and
Homepage of Complex Systems Summerschool
- Spring 2017:
- Bachelor Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematics 2 for Engineers
University of Rostock
- Bachelor Course (6 ECTS)
Numerics for Engineers
University of Rostock
- Fall 2016:
- Bachelor Course (6 ECTS)
Mathematics 1 for Engineers
University of Rostock
- Bachelor Course (3 ECTS)
University of Rostock
- Course suitable for Master or Bachelor studies (3 ECTS)
Numerical Bifurcation Analysis with Applications in
Engineering and Science
University of Rostock
- Spring 2016:
- Bachelor Course (7.5 ECTS)
Introduction to Numerical Computing
Queen Mary University of London
Tutorial for Bachelor Course
Introduction to Numerical Computing
Queen Mary University of London
- Fall 2015:
- Tutorial for Bachelor Course (7.5 ECTS)
Mathematical Structures
Queen Mary University of London
- Tutorial for Bachelor Course (7.5 ECTS)
Calculus III
Queen Mary University of London
- Summer 2015:
- Bachelor Course (5 ECTS)
Introduction to Programming and Data Processing
Technical University of Denmark
June 2015
- Spring 2015:
- Compact Course, RheinMain University of Applied
Sciences, Wiesbaden, Germany
Numerical Bifurcation Analysis and
- Fall 2014:
- Master Course (5 ECTS)
Dynamical Systems 1
together with C. Henriksen, Technical University of Denmark
- Bachelor Course (5 ECTS)
Mathematical Modelling, Nonlinear Dynamics,
Stochastic and Complex Systems
together with J. Kloppenborg Møller, Technical University of Denmark
- Spring 2014:
- Master Course (5 ECTS)
Dynamical Systems 2
together with P. Hjorth, Technical University of Denmark
- Winter 2013:
- PhD Course and ITMAN Winterschool (5 ECTS):
Multiscale Analysis in Dynamical Systems
K. Kristiansen, M. Brøns, J. Starke
Peter Szmolyan (TU Vienna, Austria),
Antonios Zagaris (University of Twente, Netherlands),
Mathieu Desroches (INRIA, France),
Jan Sieber (University of Exeter, UK)
Time and Place:
December 9 - 13, 2013 at DTU
Details at
Winterschool Homepage
- Fall 2013:
- Bachelor Course (10 ECTS):
Introduction to Mathematics and Technology
together with J. Revall Frisvad
- Bachelor Course (5 ECTS):
Mathematical Modelling, Nonlinear Dynamics,
Stochastic and Complex Systems
J. Starke and L.E. Christiansen
Lecturer: L.E. Christiansen,
P. Hjorth,
J. Kloppenborg Møller,
H. Madsen,
F. Schilder,
J. Starke,
M.P. Sørensen
- Spring 2013:
- PhD Course (5 ECTS):
Selected Topics in Dynamical Systems
- Fall 2012:
- Bachelor Course (5 ECTS):
Calculus and Linear Algebra 2
- Summer 2012:
- PhD Course and DCAMM Summerschool (5 ECTS):
Modern Methods in Industrial Mathematics
J. Gravesen (DTU), J. Starke (DTU), C. Henriksen (DTU),
P.G. Hjorth (DTU),
H.G. Petersen (SDU), M. Willatzen (SDU)
Lecturer: W. Just (Queen Mary University of London, UK),
C. Hall (Oxford, UK),
T. Lorenz (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
Time and Place:
August 9 - 17, 2012 at DTU
Details and Flyer at
Homepage and ESGI Homepage
- Erasmus PhD Course (2,5 ECTS):
Dimensionality Reduction Methods for the Analysis of
High-Dimensional Signal Data
Time and Place: 4.-7.6.2012 at DTU
Lecturer: Armin Iske (University of Hamburg, Germany)
- Spring 2012:
- Bachelor Course (5 ECTS):
Calculus and Linear Algebra 2
- Fall 2011:
- PhD Course (5 ECTS):
Selected Topics in Partial Differential Equations
together with Kim Knudsen
- Bachelor Course (5 ECTS):
Calculus and Linear Algebra 2
- Summer 2011:
PhD Course and DCAMM Summerschool (5 ECTS):
Advanced Topics in Numerical and Computational
Bifurcation Analysis
Organizer: Frank Schilder, Jens Starke
Eusebius Doedel (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada),
Claudia Wulff (University of Surrey, Guildford, UK),
Harry Dankowicz (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Time and Place:
June 13 - June 19, 2011 at DTU
- Spring 2011:
- Bachelor Course (5 ECTS):
Calculus and Linear Algebra 2
- Fall 2010:
- BrainModes Conference and DCAMM PhD Course (2.5 ECTS):
Noise, oscillations and frequency locking in neural systems
J. Starke (DTU), A. Daffertshofer (VU University, The
M. Breakspear, (University of New South Wales, Australia),
P. Ritter (Charite Berlin and Bernstein Center for
Computational Neuroscience)
Time and Place:
December 09 - 11, 2010 at DTU
Details at BrainModes Webpage
- Bachelor Course (5 ECTS):
Calculus and Linear Algebra 2
- Summer 2010:
- Summerschool on Bachelor Level (5 ECTS):
Mathematical Modelling, Nonlinear Dynamics,
Stochastic and Complex Systems
J. Starke (DTU Mathematics),
L.E. Christiansen (DTU Informatics)
Lecturer: L.E. Christiansen,
P. Hjorth,
J.B. Jørgensen,
H. Madsen,
F. Schilder,
J. Starke,
M.P. Sørensen
Time and Place:
August 22 - 28, 2010 at DTU
Details and Flyer at MMC Master Homepage
- PhD Course and DCAMM Summerschool (5 ECTS):
Modern Methods in Industrial Mathematics
J. Gravesen (DTU), J. Starke (DTU), C. Henriksen (DTU), P.G. Hjorth, (DTU),
H. G. Petersen (SDU), M. Willatzen (SDU)
Time and Place:
August 12 - 20, 2010 at DTU
Details and Flyer at DCAMM Homepage
- DMF (Dansk Matematisk Forening, Danish Mathematical Society)
for master students in mathematics
Organized by Carsten Lunde Petersen and Viggo Andreasen
Lecture: Biomathematics in the olfactory bulb:
a) Nonlinear Effects of Signal Transduction in Olfactory Sensory Neurons
b) Axonal Pathfinding and Sorting in the Olfactory System
c) Analyzing the influence of the neural network topology on pattern formation
Time and Place:
August 11 - 14, 2010 at Søminestationen Holbæk, Denmark
Details and Program
- Spring 2010:
- Sabbatical at University of Tokyo, Department of
Visiting Hiroshi Matano
- Course for Industry:
A Short Course in Nonlinear Dynamics
3 days course
at Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories,
Japan, 23.-25.02.2010
- Fall 2009:
- Master Course (5 ECTS):
Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics:
Modern Analytical and Computational Methods
together with Mads Peter Sørensen
Time and Place:
September - December, 2009 at DTU
- Summer 2009:
- Summerschool on Bachelor Level (5 ECTS):
Mathematical Modelling, Nonlinear Dynamics,
Stochastic and Complex Systems
J. Starke (DTU Mathematics),
L.E. Christiansen (DTU Informatics),
K.R. Philipsen (DTU Informatics)
Lecturer: L.E. Christiansen,
P. Hjorth,
J.B. Jørgensen,
H. Madsen,
K.R. Philipsen,
J. Starke,
M.P. Sørensen
Time and Place:
August 9 - 15, 2009 at DTU
Details and Flyer at MMC Master Homepage
- Spring 2009:
- Fall 2008:
- Master Course (5 ECTS):
Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics:
Modern Computational Methods
Time and Place:
September - December, 2008 at DTU
- Summer 2008:
- PhD Course and DCAMM Summerschool (5 ECTS):
Modern Methods in Industrial Mathematics
J. Gravesen (DTU), C. Henriksen (DTU), P.G. Hjorth, (DTU),
H. G. Petersen (SDU), J. Starke (DTU), M. Willatzen (SDU)
Time and Place:
August 14 - 22, 2008 at DTU
Details and Flyer at DCAMM Homepage
- Spring 2008:
Master Course (5 ECTS):
Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering and Science
Time and Place: February - May, Mondays, 13:00-17:00,
Bdg. 303S, Room 026 at DTU
Bachelor Course (5 ECTS):
Mathematics 4: Real Analysis
together with Ole Christensen
Time and Place: February - May, Mondays, 13:00-17:00,
Bdg. 303, Room 049 at DTU
- Fall 2007:
Master Course (5 ECTS):
Dynamical Systems, Nonlinearities and Solitons
together with Mads Peter Sørensen
Time and Place: September - December, Thursdays, 13:00-17:00,
Bdg. 306, Room 37 at DTU
Bachelor Course (5 ECTS):
Introduction to complex systems and chaos
together with Olga Sosnovtseva,
Time and Place: September - December, Tuesdays, 08:00-12:00,
Bdg. 306, Room 45 at DTU
- Summer 2007:
PhD Course and DCAMM Summerschool (5 ECTS):
Mathematical Tools for Complex Systems in Science and Technology
Organizer: Jens Starke
Lecturer: Alan Champneys (University of Bristol),
Bernold Fiedler (Brown University and FU Berlin),
Yannis Kevrekidis (Princeton University),
Jens Starke (DTU)
Time and Place:
June 10 - June 17, 2007 at DTU
Details and Flyer at DCAMM Homepage
Jens Starke - last modified March 15, 2024