Dynamics Days Europe is a series of major international
conferences founded in the 1980's that provides a European forum for
developments in the applications of and theory for dynamics.
The Dynamics Days Europe solicits
proposals for the venue of forthcoming Dynamics Days conferences. The
potential hosts for Dynamics Days are urged to submit a proposal well
ahead of the meeting, as well as to proceed with grant applications so
the scheduling decisions can be made in time. The committee expects to
select the next venue no less than nine months in advance of the
meeting. Dynamics Days Europe has been sponsored from a variety of
sources, and this must be arranged by proposers.
For example, the 2001 meeting was sponsored by the Max-Planck-Institut
fuer Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden, both financially and logistically.
provided travel stipends. The 2000 meeting was supported by the EPSRC and
LMS of the UK. Dynamics Days Europe was listed as an EPS Division
in Statistical and Nonlinear Physics conference for 1999, 2000 and 2001.
Committee will favour locations with inexpensive housing for younger
participants and good financial support for those who could not
participate otherwise. The proposal should include a reasonably
reliable forecast of such funding; proposals that would support a
series of Dynamics Days conferences would be especially
Preproposals (in e-mail form) can be communicated to any member of
the Dynamics Days Europe Advisory Committee.
Below is a sample proposal (including a lot of detail).
Draft of Proposal for Dynamics Days Dresden 2001tentative date: June 5-9, 2001
Location: MPIPKS Dresden, using facilities of the Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Scope: The conference should attract the whole community of researchers in the field on nonlinearity, dynamics, out-of-equilibrium statistics, including quantum problems, stochastic systems and applications.
For this purpose, we plan about 12 invited plenary overview-talks given by well known lecturers. These talks should be understandable by the broad audience.
We plan 5 blocks of three parallel sessions each. These parallel session should be organized as kinds of small symposia. The topics (see below) and the talks given will be still general enough that every participant should find at least one interesting out of the three parallel sessions each. We plan to nominate competent colleagues as chairmen and organizers of these symposia.
Contributions from participants are respected in two ways:
a) talks: A very limited number of talks will be accepted, namely about 15, i.e. for each of the parallel symposia, the particular organizer is stronly encouraged to select one contriution from the participants.b) posters: We plan 2 poster sessions, one during one afternoon, another one in one of the evenings.
first day second day third day last day 9:00 - 10:00 Invited Invited Invited Invited coffee break 10:30
- 12:30Parallel Parallel Parallel Invited
Invitedlunch break 14:00 - 16:00 Invited
InvitedPoster Invited
Invitedcoffee break 16:30 - 18:30 Parallel Invited
InvitedParallel Buffet
PosterThe symposia in the parallel sessions can be from the following (until now incomplete, suggestions are welcome) list:
- quantum chaos
- time series analysis
- pattern formation
- turbulence
- granular materials
- traffic flow
- neuro-dynamics
- stochastic processes
- classical hamiltonian chaos
- dynamical systems
- non-equilibrium statistical physics
- biophysics/ nonlinearity and dynamics in biology
- econophysics
- space time chaos
- soft matter
- nonlinear phenomena in engineering
- complex growth phenomena
Funding: The conference will be sponsored by the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden
Staff of the MPIPKS will assist us in organization etc.
Invited speakers: Full reimbursement of travel expenses and local costs (MPIPKS money, etsimated < 10000 EURO for 12 speakers).
Symposium organisers: waiving of the conference fee.
Conference fee:
125,-EURO normal, 75,-EURO reduced (students, unfavored countries) The conference fee will be needed to cover costs for catering (coffee breaks, lunches, buffet and one conference dinner) (perhaps a more careful estimate will increase these prices by 25/15 EURO).Inexpensive accomoation: The guest houses of the MPIPKS offer accomodation for about 50 persons at low rates or even free of charge (not yet fully negotiated). Upon early reservation (block booking) we expect to get fair rates from local hotels, (estimated 60,- EURO per night/person) for ``normal'' participants.
We expect to be able to handle about 250-300 participants and more if neccessary.
Travel support: We would negotiate with the W.E. Heraeus-Foundation about a particular travel support program for DDD2001. If succesful, this would mean that interested participants send an applicaion for travel support to Heraeus.
Remark: Presumably, in 2001 also the Experimental Chaos Conference will take place in Germany, namely in Potsdam. A travel between Potsdam and Dresden takes about 3 hours by train. It might be reasonable to schedule the two conferences such that those who are interested can attend both without unneccessary additional travelling. However, our current proposal is guided by the fact that there will be no lectures at the local university in the week from June 4-9 and thus the lecture halls are more easily available.