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Appointments: | |
10/2016 - present | Professor (permanent position),
University of Rostock Institute of Mathematics |
9/2015 - 9/2016 | Reader/Associate Professor (permanent position),
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) School of Mathematical Sciences |
4/2006 - 8/2016 | Associate Professor (permanent position),
Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Department of Mathematics & Computer Science (9/2015 - 8/2016 on leave) |
10/2002 - 3/2006 | Assistant Professor (C1), University of Heidelberg, Germany Institute of Applied Mathematics |
5/2001 - 3/2006 | Head of junior research group, University of Heidelberg Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) funded by TOYOTA CRDL and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities |
4/1997 - 9/2002 | Scientific assistant, University of Heidelberg, Germany |
6/1994 - 3/1997 | Scientific assistant, University of Stuttgart, Germany |
Research Stays: | |
among others: | University of Tokyo, Princeton, Fritz-Haber-Institute of the Max Planck Society, UC Berkeley, Nagoya University |
Education: | |
1997 | Ph.D. (Dr.rer.nat.), University of Stuttgart, Germany |
1997 | Master (German Diploma) in Mathematics, University of Stuttgart, Germany |
1994 | Master (German Diploma) in Physics, University of Stuttgart, Germany |
1988 | Highschool Diploma (Abitur) |
Awards & Honors: | |
2021 - 2025 | PI for mathematics (project A06 "Mathematical modelling and analysis of parameter dependent behaviour of multiscale systems", 2nd funding period), (in total 18 PIs from Rostock, Erlangen, Greifswald, Leipzig) Collaborative Research Centre 1270 ELectrically Active ImplaNts (ELAINE), funded by the German Research Council DFG |
2018 - 2021 | PI for mathematics (Project A06 "Mathematical Analysis of
Parameter Dependent Multi-Scale Models for Electric Active Implants"), (in total 18 PIs from Rostock, Erlangen, Greifswald, Leipzig) Collaborative Research Centre 1270 ELectrically Active ImplaNts (ELAINE), funded by the German Research Council DFG |
2012 - 2016 | PI for mathematics (in total 10 PIs from
DTU Aqua, DTU Physics, Roskilde University and University of
Copenhagen), VKR Centre of Excellence Life in a Changing Ocean |
2002 - 2007 | Junior research fellow of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities |
2002 | first rank in competition in the junior research program of the Heidelberg Academy of Science |
since 1986 | several prizes and scholarships (e.g. German Mathematics Competition, DAAD, SICE, Erasmus) |
Service: | |
10/2018 - 3/2021 | Head of Department, Institute of Mathematics, University of Rostock | 2013 - 2016 | Chair of Advisory Board of Dynamics Days Europe | since 2002 | Member of several committees and boards (e.g. Advisory Board of Dynamics Days Europe, Reviewer for NSF, ERC & EPSRC) |
since 2000 | Organization of 9 international conferences, workshops and minisymposia (among others XXII. Dynamics Days Europe, XXXIX. Dynamics Days Europe, minisymposia at SIAM and IEEE, Toyota Workshops, European Study Group with Industry, Brainmodes) with total budget of 241.000 Euro |
Research Grants: | |
obtained grants with total value of 3 Mio. Euro (e.g. from Toyota CRDL, Rockwell Collins Deutschland GmbH, Heidelberg Academy of Science, German Research Foundation DFG, Danish Center for Scientific Computing, Danish Research Council FTP, Villum Fonden) |
Invited Courses and Talks: | |
174 invited presentations in total: 10 invited courses, 20 talks for the public, 21 invited talks at meetings with industry, 44 invited talks at conferences, 80 invited talks at institutes (among others at IEEE conf., Dynamics Days Europe, University of California at Berkeley, Princeton University, Boston University, University of Tokyo, Banff, CIRM Marseille, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach), e.g.:
Publications: | |
93 publications in total (including patents) in Journals within the areas of
Mathematics, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology and Medicine: 1 patent, 46 journal publications, 3 books and 7 book chapters, 5 book reports, 25 proceedings, 6 lecture notes, e.g.:
Research Interest: | |
The focus of my scientific work is on problems concerning dynamics (differential equations, dynamical systems, stochastic many particle systems) in modelling, analysis, numerics, simulation and optimization of complex scientific, medical and engineering systems. Besides mathematical theory, real-world applications of nonlinear mathematics are an important part of my work. My research contains in particular the interplay between discrete and continuous as well as deterministic and stochastic models and corresponding methods. |
Jens Starke - last modified May 27, 2024